Code of Conduct

Life Drawing Group Code of Conduct

Life drawing of either semi or unclothed models can bring to the forefront both the model and artists vulnerabilities. This Code of Conduct is designed to help all participants, models, and artists, enjoy the group experience to the fullest.

Start times

The drawing start time, pencils ready in hand will be exactly 30 minutes from the time listed on the Event Page. There is an expectation that both models and artists will arrive from 30 minutes prior to the drawing commencing to ready themselves for the drawing. Doors will be locked once the drawing commences and no entry will be allowed after this. This is to ensure that the artists are not disturbed whilst drawing, and the model is not unduly compromised.

Photos and phone use

Phones are to be put on silent for the duration of the session. If you are required to be contactable during this time, please place phone on vibrate and excuse yourself discretely to take the call outside the venue.

There are to be no photos taken during the life drawing session unless previously requested and consent give by the artist and the organisers prior to the session commencing. No photos are to be taken of the model without the explicit consent of the model, and organisers, in writing prior to the event occurring.


The organisers of the Life Drawing will sometimes create atmosphere by having music playing softly in the background. If artists choose to wear headphones whilst drawing this is acceptable as long as it cannot be heard by others in close proximity. If it is causing concern to other artists, the person will be asked to turn off the headphone music.

Life drawing is often about creating a calm meditative space in which to draw and for this reason we ask that artists refrain from commenting or conversing with others during the poses. The organisers encourage discussion and comments in the breaks provided between poses.

Some of the creative spaces used for Life Drawing may be small and enclosed. Please be mindful of others’ sensitivities when choosing what scent/perfume you place on your body before the session. Strong perfumes favoured by some, may be offensive to others. This also applies to strong body odour. Please respect our space, and each other. The organisers reserve the right to request a participant to leave if their scent or body odour is causing concern for any member within the group.


We want the models to be as comfortable as possible throughout the Life Drawing session. The organisers will endeavour to provide spaces that are clean and safe in which to model. This does not mean that the models do not need to use common sense when choosing poses that might be strenuous or unsafe. Heating or cooling will be provided for extremes of weather, but we welcome the model to bring any types of comfort items they may require.

Models should bring their own dressing gown or cover in which to enter the space, and for use during breaks. If a model should feel uncomfortable at any stage during the sessions, they are welcome to clothe and continue to model. Please bring to the attention of the event organisers any concerns immediately so that they can be actioned in a timely manner.

Models will be paid for the session at the agreed rate regardless of whether any artists attend the event.

Some artists may request or suggest poses for the models during the session, but it is at the model’s discretion as to whether they chose to pose as per the artists’ suggestion.


Please remember that our models are deserving of respect at all times. Do not touch the model or approach the model during pose times.

If any artist is uncomfortable during the session, please see the organisers and they will make alternative arrangements or facilitate your exit. It is ok to take a break during the session but any extended breaks, not actively drawing the subject should be taken outside the drawing space.

Please be mindful of other artists privacy. Some artists will be welcoming of questions and critiques regarding their technique and process, but others may not. Please ask the artist if you would like to inspect their work. Conversely, it is an expectation that the model can look at the artists’ work once the session has finished. It is artist courtesy to honour the model by showing them the finished representation of their work.

Life Drawing sessions are provided as adult creative spaces, there is an expectation that there will be no bad behaviour including, but not limited to:

  • offensive language or comments
  • drawing under the influence of drugs
  • intoxication
  • inappropriate suggestions towards the model
  • non-participation of the session (artists must be actively taking part in the drawing class for the sake of drawing)

Artists are responsible for their own drawing implements and providing a safe place for other artists. Please do not use excessive space, purposefully obstruct other artists, or use excessively offensive materials (toxic or strong smelling).

If an artist is using materials that will create mess (pastel dust, paint spray/spots, charcoal dust and others) the artist must clean up any mess immediately upon finishing the session, and leave the space in the same condition that it was when they arrived. The artists are requested to bring any cleaning products they will require to do this. Some of our spaces are held within operating art galleries and we want to respect these spaces and the other artists who are exhibiting their art around us.

There will be no ability for the artists to come and go from the venue whilst the Life Drawing is in session, unless pre-arranged, or an emergency. Movement in and out of the facility creates undue distraction for the other artists, and the model. Toilet breaks will be provided within the session.

Any questions are actively welcomed by the organisers before, during, and after our Life Drawing sessions. We want this experience to be an opportunity for you to express yourself creatively and feel safe and supported while doing so.

The organisers may ask the artists to provide feedback after the session in order to improve future sessions, and make sure we are providing the best creative experience possible. It is at the artists’ discretion if they wish to participate in this feedback process.

All Dogs Don’t Eat Cake Creative sessions and group activities will follow the latest COVID-19 directions from the Queensland State Government.

You will be required to sign a Code of Conduct agreement, and abide by all the terms within, before being able to participate in any Dogs Don’t Eat Cake Creative events.